O que são sites PTC/PPC e PTR?
O que são sites PTC/PPC e PTR?
Os PTC’s ou PPC’s e os PTR’s são sites que trabalham com publicidade paga, ou seja, pagam às pessoas para ver e clicar em publicidade online de outras empresas.
Como funciona um site PTC?
Os PTC (Paid To Click – Pago Para Clicar), também chamados PPC (Pay Per Click) são sistemas que pagam aos seus utilizadores para clicarem e visualizarem publicidade. Geralmente não são muito lucrativos, pois o utilizador terá que clicar em centenas, para não dizer milhares, de anúncios com um tempo definido cada um, para tirar um dinheiro extra.
Depois de se registar, terá uma lista de anúncios disponíveis para visualizar. Deverá clicar apenas num anúncio de cada vez, até que acabe o temporizador do mesmo. O dinheiro que ganhar irá corresponder à quantidade de anúncios que visualizou e ao valor de cada clique.
Pode também aumentar os seus lucros se indicar pessoas para se inscreverem no site através do seu link, pois, normalmente, passa a receber uma percentagem dos cliques da pessoa indicada.
Como funciona um site PTR?
Os PTR (Paid To Read – Pago Para Ler) são sistemas que exigem um maior esforço e tempo por isso são sites mais lucrativos que os PTC’s, no entanto os PTC’s atraem mais utilizadores pelo facto de serem pagos rapidamente.
Tratam-se de sites que pagam aos seus utilizadores para lerem emails. Não bastará abrir o email, terá que clicar num link para confirmar que o leu, mas cada site tem procedimentos diferentes.
Como e quando receberei o pagamento do meu PTC e/ou PTR?
De onde vem o dinheiro que recebo nos PTC’s ou PTR’s?
Como saber se um PTC ou PTR é SCAM?
Se quiser partilhar comigo a sua opinião ou experiência, não hesite. Se quiser que eu verifique se um programa de PTC ou PTR é scam, terei muito gosto em verificar. Basta deixar em baixo a sua mensagem!
This website explains PPC Paid for Click , why it is not working. It will take thousands of click in order to earn funds. PPC require one to have individuals view the ads for a set time. The website open my eyes to the difficulty one will face in order to earn funds using the PPC System. The website shows one how to earn money from email reading. Email Reading is more profitable than PPC. The website cover PayPal System, why it is so reliable, PayPal System, is the best way to ensure payment for your effort.
Hi Karma, thank you for your comments. You’re right, you really have to click a thousand times in order to earn not too much money! And I agree with you, PTR is a bit more profitable than PPC, but you have to spend more time with it, reading emails. Some years ago, a tried this kind of programes, but I give up, because there are much more profitable opportunities in the internet to spend your time! If you want to have a profitable online business, I suggest you read my pages about Wealthy Affiliate!
Thank you so much!
Hey Adias, Hola. Nice website you have, and i like your site scam page. I tried some site called empower network and they tried to convince me to buy a product for $5,000, why I didn’t even have and I was told “you have to do what you have to do to make it in life” and that was it for me. I closed my account with them, and there are too many scammers out there.
Hi Affes Ali,
Some years ago I have also tried Empower Network! And it is a really SCAM! I’ve never bought any pack from them! The prices were incredible outrageous!
Nowadays people have to be aware with online programes! There are too much scam in the internet, you just have to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!
If you want to create your honest online business I suggest you read my pages about Wealthy Affiliate.
Thank you for your comments
I’m looking forward to getting started with Pay Per Click marketing.
PTC & PTR are really great ways to earn some money online. No doubt.
I’m also curious if there is any other ways than PayPal to receive your payments? I know this is probably the safest way to receive you payment check but I also wonder if there is anything similar to this.
Another thing.. how do you set up PTC campaign for yourself? To get it working for us we obviously need to refer it to other people as well. So, how do you get people to become your referrals to click adds for you?
I think I didn’t see you mention referring people to PTR sites. Can it be done with PTR sites as well? They both seem very similar in that manner.
I have so many questions, thanks in advance!
Hi Henry, thank you for your comments and questions! It’s true, you can earn some extra money with PPC and PTR, but you have to be persistent, because you have to click hundreds of times to earn a few coins. And yes you can get referrals or you can even rent them to click for you. Of course, you have to pay for rented referrals, but usually you earn almost the double than with direct referrals. To get referrals you have to promote the PPC or PTR website, and you can make a review about the programe and use banners to promote it. When people join to the programe through your website they will became referrals.
About the payment methods, I only use programes that use PayPal, because I think it is the safest way to pay and receive money. But yes, there are other methods available, and it depends on the PPC/PTR website.
Please let me know if you have some more questions and I will be glad to answer!